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Missed Connection

So yall...........

If you listened to the last podcast, you know me and Roommate Allison moved earlier this month. It has taken some time for me to get adjusted to this new space as it's drastically different from our previous domicile. But honeys......... the location PRIME!!!

Anyway, Roommate Allison and I are individualizing our spaces. We're one and the same but totally different people and our rooms reflect that. My room is a bright monotone (duotone? lmao) of grey and white while Roommate Allison lives in a forest lol.

I bought this plain ass desk from Amazon.....then crafted the crap out of it, so then a hunt for a chair commenced. After searching the internet I came up with nada, zero, zilch. Went out to shop for my cousins baby shower and low and behold this beauty *BAM*

I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT IT RIGHT THEN AND THERE!!! I decided to wait until Tuesday (I saw the chair Saturday) to go back and buy it and it was gone. I JEST knew this was my boss chair yall. I was gonna sit at my new desk, with my Auntie Maxine mug editing the podcast, taking on the world. It just reminded me that when you see something you want sometimes you should take the risk and go for it.

But then as I was talking to Homegirl Toya (friend to the show) she reminded me "that means there's a more perfect one out there. Keep looking" #DatsAWord. Things happen for a reason, life lines itself up to work itself out. I'm learning to not regret my decisions but to take the time and take heed to what subsequently happens. #LifeLongLearner. Things may not always turn out how we want or how we planned, but that's what journeys are made up of. Anywho, get that chair or don't just make sure you're mindful of where your journey is taking you.


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